Workplace Wellness & Yoga
Why Workplace Wellness?​
Positively impact recruiting
Increase focus and productivity
Reduce stress & anxiety

Why Yoga in the Workplace?
Health (Improved Behaviors)
Work-Related (Less Absenteeism)
Economic (Cost due to sick days)
Why Yoga with Peggy H?
I plan, implement, and monitor safe and effective group yoga classes that promote fitness and a healthy lifestyle. I educate on correct alignment while providing modifications for postures as appropriate.
In each session, I strive to inspire participants to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.
I'm knowledgeable in HIPAA regulations; as such, I am discreet and respectful in protecting personal information.
Programs are designed to address client's key metrics (KPIs) and support employees in achieving their fitness and overall health goals.
Extensive professional experience in multi-cultural, integrated work environments, including manufacturing, strategic marketing, IT, engineering, and project management professionals.
Safety is my first priority. As I serve a multi-lingual and multi-cultural client base, I take great pride in clearly communicating and educating safe Yoga principles and poses-- which my clients love!
Sample Programs
Virtual and/or Live on-site group programs.
Mat Hatha Yoga focused on stress and anxiety relief, strengthening, stretching, and integration of body and breath work.
Chair-Assisted, Standing, and Seated Yoga poses modified, utilizing a chair as support.
My Certifications
Hatha Yoga Instructor
CPR/ AED - American Red Cross
Culinary Arts & Nutrition
Project Management (PMP)
My Education
Columbia Business School, MBA
Columbia University, School of Engineering & Applied Science, B.S.